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Writer's pictureHorn Africa Prophet

Welcome to Serving ያሁኣ in Uganda

To: Tigrayans in Uganda

From: Menelik IV, Prophet

Date: 2.22.2024

Re: Welcome to ያሁኣ

I want to personally thank all Tigrayans who have made a change to serve ያሁኣ. Your decision will cause our people to grow economically and be protected from adversaries. ያሁኣ being the foundation of our lives is the foundation of our prosperity. We are a people who have been called to serve ያሁኣ, not Lord, God, Jesus (LGJ). The LGJ faction is a mere distraction for Tigrayans to lose momentum in regaining our heritage, which places us above our enemies where we thrive as a nation. We have experienced the downfall and the loss of our families in Tigray. They have been slaughtered by our enemies and somehow people still believe that LGJ will save them. Last week I wrote about how believing in something that never works is an insane metal state. As an example, would you desire to stay in Uganda believing and hoping that one day your enemies will stop hunting you? Or would you make changes to protect your family? How about someone treating you with disrespect just because you are Tigrayan, would you try to make friends with them? The message is this, believing in LGJ has led Tigrayans to living in the land of our enemies, and Uganda is just one example. No omnipotent ethereal being leads their people to destruction who cares for them except for LGJ. So when you believe in LGJ, who has specifically led you to destruction in Uganda, and you still believe he’s gonna save you, you can now confirm that you have been institutionalized into Christianity where you accept that all Caucasians are your friend, and yet, they are the ones who introduced Christianity to you. And because Christianity was forced upon most of Tigray, we had no other source of reference to be saved by. 

So this is why ያሁኣ sent me as the Prophet of my people, who are Tegaru. It was in January of the year 2000 when I was at the Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland (United States). I grew up in Washington, DC where there are many Tigrayans. I was at the age of 30 years old then. There were 5 Prophets who surrounded me in the meeting at the Convention Center and spoke many things, but specifically said that, "YOU will be a Prophet amongst your people." Here it is now 24 years later that this mission has begun. So when you visit the Chashah Monastery website, it’s all designed just for you to serve and welcome ያሁኣ into your lives, for you to work for Chashah Monastery, and to also be delivered from LGJ. I am called to assist ያሁኣ in helping you be delivered from Christianity, deliverance from Uganda, deliverance from poverty, deliverance from your enemies, deliverance from serving other gods such as LGJ. The message is this, if you are now serving ያሁኣ, he WILL protect you, he will deliver you from your enemies, but you must stay steadfast in him and DO NOT let him go, DO NOT use him just to be delivered from your enemies, DO NOT use him for economic empowerment. ያሁኣ will provide these things, but you must teach and live by his commandments. You must give ያሁኣ as an inheritance to your children and their children’s children. NO, you can NOT serve two gods. You can NOT serve ያሁኣ and Christianity/ Islam/ Judaism/ Hinduism, etc. You NOW serve ያሁኣ under being Chashah.

By the way, you pronounce Chashah with our native 'click sound' at the beginning using the 'Ch' as a click.

The reason we have lost almost everything today is because the inheritance of passing the knowledge of ያሁኣ down from generations ceased, and look where we are, in the hands of our enemies. But ያሁኣ is preparing to deliver you all from Uganda who desire to serve him and he WILL provide protection for you and your families. But, you must NOT desire to stay in the camp of your enemies because the desire of ያሁኣ is for you to be under his full protection in New Mexico. We left the Atlanta, Georgia area as Chashah Monastery, which is 1,500 miles. It is a 20 hour drive to get here to New Mexico. We were comfortable in Atlanta, but ያሁኣ spoke that it was time to go. We moved by faith, and when we arrived, it was the first time we ever saw Milan. In Milan, New Mexico, it looks just like Tigray... unbelievable!

I will be in contact with all of you on WhatsApp now. This is where ያሁኣ has led me to serve you all to ask me questions, to ask for prayer, to request for prayers, and for us all to simply stay in contact. I am excited about what ያሁኣ spoke to me 24 years ago, which has now manifested, and I have truly found my people who are in distress that are calling on ያሁኣ for help. I appreciate everyone of you who serve ያሁኣ and he will indeed now protect you unlike Christianity promises to do, but never will. Let’s serve ያሁኣ wholeheartedly so we will see our people in safety. Thanks for your hard work towards ያሁኣ.



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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Another great message for the prophet. Congratulations to my brothers and sisters in Uganda.


The words of ያሁኣ are pure words....

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

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