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Writer's pictureHorn of Africa Prophet

The Wrath of ያሁአ Against Ethiopians Has Now Begun

To: The Horn of Africa

From: Horn of Africa Prophet

Date: 8.31.2023

Re: The Wrath of ያሁአ Against Ethiopians Has Now Begun

I greet you with a message from ያሁአ.

As I mentioned last week, us Ethiopians are dying in places where we thought we were safe, where we received our degrees and PhD’s. It is sad to mention our brothers and sisters who are targeted for crimes, only to be assassinated in the midst. It wasn’t like this at some point, but things are now changing since we have gotten comfortable in our new positions living in new countries to prosper under foreign laws and religions.

This message is to all Ethiopians from North to South, from all Provinces, we are in trouble because of serving other gods, serving other religions. The religions you serve today are not and were not the foundation of who we are. Yet, we pledge allegiance to these religious traps and then want any type of community to help us that doesn’t exist to save us. Tell me, has your religion in which you serve saved our people? Does the god you serve look Ethiopian or is his skin pale in color? Why do the people in India have a god that looks Indian? How about the Chinese? Why does their god look Chinese? Why does the god of Ethiopia look pale in color, why is he Caucasian? Ethiopians are the foundational people of the world, and yet, we have been forced into believing that there were others before us who served in Christianity. No, this is NOT true! We are the people of the earth in which ያሁአ stated,

• Genesis 1:26 “Then ያሁአ said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.”

The Chu’kai (bible) script above was NOT the beginning of Christianity, I know this as a Prophet and it is fair to say that most of you don't read the Chu’kai (Bible), so you only believe what is taught to you and pledge an allegiance to it. So what’s the motive of the elite removing us from knowing who we are as a people? Look at it this way, if a person can talk you out of living in a mansion to move into an apartment, he has benefited by taking possession of your mansion and will either live in a much more developed lifestyle than you, and or use the resources of the mansion to become wealthy. This has happened to us Ethiopians, they are moving us out of our mansions (the many provinces of Ethiopia) that are full of mineral and land resources. You say it's because of war and no one wants to be in the midst of it. But I tell you as a Prophet, we all would still be in Ethiopia prospering, and not running from there, if we were serving ያሁአ who gave us the power to rule as a people to benefit from these same resources without having to beg for help. We have forfeited our inheritances and walked away from our ancestral legacy.

You may pledge your allegiance to these religious entities that do not derive from the foundations of Ethiopia, but you will certainly start receiving wrath upon your lives for not serving ያሁአ who will protect us as his people. If you DO NOT heed to the words of the Prophet today, you and your families will suffer the consequences of war, famine and death outside of Ethiopia, within the comfortability of whatever country you reside. Your PhD’s, degrees and certificates will NOT save you from this wrath. You wanted to be free from poverty by achieving academia, but you are poor in spirit, which causes death to be upon our people because of not choosing ያሁአ.

There has always been a Prophet in the Chu’kai (Bible) that spoke to our people before the wrath of ያሁአ was released onto the earth… and here I am! Please take heed! You will NOW see more of us Ethiopians being targeted by crimes in the diaspora where we thought we were safe, but we will only be safe by choosing ያሁአ as our Savior. |

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