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Writer's pictureHorn Africa Prophet

Dear Ethiopia...

From: The Horn Africa Prophet

To: All Ethiopian Ethnicity

Date: December 7th, 2023

Dear Ethiopia,

You in fact have been colonized. You no longer possess the power you were supposed to influence the world with. You speak of a misconception that you have not been colonized. That’s not true, and to prove this, we were once powerful people who guided the world as they followed what we did as a people. Look at us now, we follow every culture we can attend to. We have changed our traditional practices for the sake of degrees. Where are the Ethiopian schools that have international prestige for our people? Why have we gone so far away from our heritage that others can’t identify Ethiopians until our names are mentioned?

Did you know that all Ethiopians were once religious based in some fashion? Religious in the sense of being a spiritual people who sought the power of ያሁአ, who was the head of our nations from Northern Eritrea to Southern Ethiopia. Yes, we are the same people, but if you notice the political influences against who we are, they have designed an agenda that has lasted for centuries to destroy who we are as a people, and they use our own people as leaders to execute this plan. But we are so far away from our spiritual heritage that we can’t identify who our real enemies are. We just see another Horn African attacking us, and we stop there. But don’t stop there, pay attention to the fact that some of our people are mere Westernized puppets in a war against Horn Africans that will cause other countries to gentrify Ethiopia for the retaining of land resources, minerals, and tourism. Ethiopia from North to South is wealthy and we are being pushed into other countries so these outsiders can obtain our foundational wealth. Don’t forget about the Scramble for Africa in 1833 known as “New Imperialism”, it’s mission is continuing today using our leaders.

The question is, how do we get around the loss of our power? The answer from the Prophet is ያሁአ. Keep in mind, we had power, we were the power of the world. Now we go to other countries with invitations to academia, which includes free room and board, where we are used for our genius mentalities to make other countries rich. They know we are extremely smart, but we see these invitations as individual opportunities. That word ‘individual’ is the same as solely. So if we are solely divided away from each other, what power do we have? We are scattered around the earth with no foundation of Horn Africa. And yet, other countries and their people gain solidarity using our degrees and Ph.D’s. We become Canadian, American, German, and many more for the sake of academia.

So what are we going to do with the fact of being scattered, and the fact that a leader of our own people works against us who deliberately starts wars amongst all Horn Africans? What is your solution? Is it academia? Is the answer to this mission a resolution of becoming a professional student? The answer is no to the questions because no matter how many degrees and Ph.D’s you receive, you will always make other countries wealthy and not our people. So let’s explain Chashah Monastery.

What is Chashah Monastery Parliament (CMP)? CMP is a non-profit entity operating as a governmental body for Horn Africans, which is housed in America. CMP is establishing the power spoken about in this letter that we should operate in. CMP promotes gaining economical power giving all Horn Africans global prominence. CMP encourages the power of ያሁአ, who is the Emperor of CMP, where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess his existence. His name is not god, that’s not facts… his name is ያሁአ. Who you know as god is actually ያሁአ.

Want to know how to obtain authority for our people? It’s through something all Ethiopians were taught to run from, religious efforts. Today, we are taught to speak against all religious efforts, but don’t realize it's the very foundation of who we are as a spiritual superpower. Yes, run away from political influences because they only trap us into serving man, but I’m talking about serving ያሁአ who is not political or religious. He is the founder of the world, and as a Prophet, it's time for Ethiopians of all ethnicity to return for global influence. Not to just make other countries and cultures wealthy, but be the ones in power as we were in the Chu’kai (Bible). Yes, we are the people of the Bible, and are NOT just from the Tribe of Dan. Ethiopians are all the 12 Tribes of Israel that the Bible speaks of, and are scattered around the world just as the Bible mentions. We were taught lies by our leaders who were influenced by Western elitist to get rid of who we are, and our leaders were rewarded for their betrayals with wealth. Yes, all Ethiopian ethnicity were colonized through academia to make other countries wealthy, and not our own. We have been tricked, we have been sold to our enemies.

The way around all this is returning back to ያሁአ. This is not a dream, a hope or fantasy. ያሁአ will restore his power back to us if we simply turn to serve him in our spiritual authority. You will then see a powerful change where we will not need non-profits to raise funding to help our people, we will be the international community helping other cultures in need.

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